Holy Cross School enjoys a close relationship with the wider Holy Cross Catholic Community.
The Holy Cross Catholic Community is supported by the Parish Priest, Father Jose, and members of the Holy Cross Catholic Parish. Parents and the School Executive are actively involved with the Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Liturgy Committee. With Holy Spirit Church and the Parish offices located adjacent to the school, we have developed very strong ties to our local Parish and our Parish Priest visits our classes to enhance their learning in Religious Education. Many parents and students are engaged in weekend Masses as altar servers, readers and musicians. Children’s Liturgy is provided as a part of the 5pm Parish Mass on a Sunday evening and many of the parents and children of Holy Cross Catholic School continue to embrace this initiative. While Sacramental preparation is a Parish and family responsibility, the Holy Cross Catholic School teachers support Sacramental development through their Religious Education Modules focusing on Confirmation in Year 3, as well as Holy Communion and Reconciliation in Year 4.